The Van Bilsen Group is one of the larger players in the Netherlands in the field of machining operations.

The Van Bilsen Group is one of the larger players in the Netherlands in the field of machining operations. The group has 2 locations in Ermelo and consists of 3 business units; Metal industry, FMS and International. We work closely with some foundries for some of the products.

The Van Bilsen Group has been in the field of Machining for more than 45 years. Once started by Joop van Bilsen, the company has grown into one of the larger players on the Dutch market.

The Van Bilsen Group focuses on companies that are specialized in engineering and marketing high-quality technical products. The aim is to establish a relationship as a long-term production partner for high-quality turning and milling work and assembled finished products.
Maandag t/m donderdag 7.30 – 17.00
Vrijdag 7.30 – 11.45
Tolweg 20, 3851SK Ermelo
Tel: +31 (0)341 – 561 344, Fax: +31 (0)341 – 560 186